Speech and language development begins long before a baby’s first words are ever spoken. From the moment a child is born, there are many nonverbal communication milestones, like babbling or even a smile, that are good indicators of how they're progressing. It is important for parents to monitor a new baby’s communication development. Here is what you need to know and what to look for during your baby's first year of life.
0- to 3-month-old infants
As soon as babies are born, they are absorbing the environment around them. Sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell--it's a whole new sensory world!
- Response to sound: Babies that are 0 to 3 months old should consistently startle or react to loud sounds. If your baby is not doing this, a hearing assessment should be performed (make sure to speak with your pediatrician)
- Calming in response to a familiar voice: the ability to recognize a familiar voice is actually a basic skills needed for language development.
- Cooing: Encourage and respond to vocal play. Babies learn how to use their voice early on. Talk and sing to them in response to what they are “saying” to you.
- Crying: Babies cry to express their needs. You may begin to notice unique sounding cries for different needs (hunger, diaper changes, tiredness, etc.)
- Smiling: first smiles typically appear in this 0-3 mo stage. This one simple milestone is actually a big sign that language development is on track.
- Smile when you appear
3- to 6-month-old infants
- Make gurgling sounds when playing with you or left alone
- Babble and make a variety of sounds
- Use his or her voice to express pleasure and displeasure
- Move his or her eyes in the direction of sounds
- Respond to changes in the tone of your voice
- Notice that some toys make sounds
- Pay attention to music
- Visual tracking: An infant in this age group should also begin to turn their head in response to a sound.
- Toys: At this stage, a baby should also begin to mouth toys and show interest in toys that have sound. These are some of the earliest signs of play, and play is highly correlated to speech and language development.
- Vocal experimentation: Your baby should begin experimenting with their voice around this time. Vocalize back to your baby to encourage them to continue making sounds. You should also begin to hear some simple babbling sounds, such “ma” or “da.”
- Laughing: There is nothing as joyful as your baby’s first laugh! Most babies develop this skill around the 3- to 4-month mark. If you haven’t heard your infant laugh by 6 months, be sure to bring this up at your next pediatrician visit.
6- to 9-month-old infants
- Play and games: This stage is when you really begin seeing more engagement in simple play and personality. Your baby will likely begin to react to fun games like “peek-a-boo.”
- Shaking objects: Your baby should also begin shaking and banging objects and toys in play. They don’t quite have the cognitive or physical abilities to play with toys appropriately yet, but they are getting closer.
- Waving: Another exciting milestone in this age range is the first time your child waves “bye-bye.” They will likely do this after being prompted to wave “bye-bye,” hearing the word “bye-bye,” or after somebody models a wave to them.
- Longer babbling: In this stage, you should begin hearing your baby produce more reduplicated babbles. So instead of just saying, “ma,” your baby will begin saying, “mama,” or “mamama.” These babbles may sound like words, but likely do not have meaning associated quite yet. The first meaningful word happens around 12 months.
9- to 12-month-old Infants
- Responding: During this stage of development, you should notice your child responding more to things that you say. At this age it does not always mean that the child will respond appropriately 100% of the time, but they should at least demonstrate basic understanding.
- Joint attention: One of the biggest skills that should develop in this age range is joint attention. This is when two people are engaged and focusing on the same task or object. Joint attention is the very foundation of reciprocal communication, and is an incredibly important milestone for your child. Babies typically begin demonstrating joint attention around the age of 9 months.
- Imitating Sounds: This 9-12 month stage is a time of huge verbal growth. Your baby should begin imitating some simple, non-speech sounds like, “Moo!” for a cow, or “Ba!” for ball.
- Meaningful words: The “Mama”, “Dada” and “Uh-Oh” babbles you have been hearing for a while will begin to take on meaning. The first real word with meaning and intention attached typically happens somewhere around the 1 year mark. However, it could be a little earlier or later. But when it happens - you’ll know!!!
- Imitation: Your child may begin trying to imitate more words, or even imitate your facial expressions.
- Understand simple instructions, such as "Come here"
- Recognize words for common items, such as "shoe”
All of these skills are vital fundamental building blocks to ensure your child's speech and language development is progressing appropriately. You may begin to observe your child becoming frustrated that they're unable to communicate their basic wants and needs. If your child does not appear to be meeting one or more of the milestones mentioned above, it's important to speak with a pediatrician or to contact a speech language pathologist.
Concerned that your child isn’t meeting their speech and language milestones, schedule an assessment now